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#CRCPGHWHM Spotlight: Takara Canty

 “Completing a compelling fresh, piece of artwork is the only thing that satisfies this thirst to create. Unapologetically not caring if it is beautiful, but allowing an outpour of emotion in color and substance to create an existence of a story that first was cultivated through my mind.” Takara Canty 

Takara Canty – $TakaraCanty

Takara Canty has spent cemented herself in Pittsburgh herstory.

Takara Canty is a thirty-two year old, classically trained visual artist from Garfield Heights in Pittsburgh PA. From adolescence she was creating, collaborating on art. “My talent grew from watching my mom paint pictures in watercolor and acrylic, which quickly evolved to an appreciation of color and textures and forms.” Canty’s art is largely inspired by prominent artists like Frida Kahlo, another woman who decided to chase her dream as an artist. 

Initially, Canty went to college for a Bachelor’s in studio art however working in traditional studio art class environments shrank her potential. With just a couple credits shy of graduation Canty decided to drop out and pursue art: her way. She began to teach art to at-risk children in the Homewood, Hill District, Garfield, and Braddock areas workshopping, tagging, and painting everywhere she went. She details, “I love teaching them to tap into their inner potential and to express themselves and emotions comfortably through their artwork.”

Now with a ten year span of being a professional teaching artist for at risk youth (K – 12) her portfolio is stacked! She has curated adult painting classes, painted murals, installed mosaic pieces on buildings all while raising her kids. She has worked with nationally known artists like George Gist, Therman Statman and James Simon. She’s partnered with Archo construction to complete and display installations and has done a host of live painting events and art shows curated through Boom Gallery and Studios in Pittsburgh PA. 

Even though Takara is a full time teaching artist she still finds time to paint, tattoo, weld, sculpt, sew, draw and create memorable pieces that invoke feelings and appreciation for art.

To support Takara’s art please visit her instagram: @tac84

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